So many questions... about me

1. Name and e-mail. Blog address. Please take a "selfie" and include it on your blog. 

-My name is Abner X.Cruz, and my e-mail is (you can contact me anytime). My blog address is 

2. What’s your major? What year will you graduate? 

-My major is Visual communication with a concentration in "New Media" and I will be graduating in the year 2022.

3.Why did you choose a photography class (or photography as a major), and what do you hope to learn from school in general and this class specifically? 

-I chose this major because I found joy in making videos and creating new ways to design. What I would like to take out from the school is the experience and the opportunities of having real-life situations that help me achieve the skill that I need. In this class, from the class, I would like to learn more about how to use Lightroom and to be a better photographer.

4. What are your goals after graduation? Please list your goals in reverse order, starting five years out, then three, two, one, and six months. 

5. What artists, musicians, photographers, writers, movies, books have influenced you/your work? 

-Peter Mckinnon and Britany Gryder are the photographers that have influenced me. I aspire to edit videos in a style that the movie "Baby Driver" has.

6. Where do you get information about current national and international events? 

-Internet, mainly youtube. The show that I mostly watch for news is the Philip deFranco show.

7. Are there any important websites that you are referencing for art/photo competitions and/or information? What websites do you regularly visit? What TV programs?

8. What museums and/or galleries have you been to in the past year? 

- I have only been in a university gallery last semester.

9. Have you had any photo projects and/ or training in the past? 

-Just a little, during high school 

10. What is the value of art for the artist? 

11. What is the value of art for the audience? 

12. Is photography a vocation or an avocation? 

-Depends, I love doing photography but my objective is to be a video editor.

13. What is your passion? 

14.What are you afraid of? What makes you uncomfortable? 

-I am afraid of SPIDERS. Something that makes me uncomfortable is awkward situations.

15. Do you have a passport?


16. Why did you sign up for this class? What do you hope to learn from it?

-I signed up so that I can learn and use professional level cameras (DSLR) and I hope to learn how to photograph different events and convey an emotion through a photograph.

17. Name three people who have influenced you and tell me how and why.

The three people that have influenced me are my mother, my friend Cameron and Emily. 

18. Name three books (four, if one is the Bible) that have been important in your development. How have they influenced you?


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